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发布日期:2025-01-06 05:12    点击次数:176


在冬日的暖阳下开云kaiyun,第四届高淳外洋慢城山花艺术季以一种特有的姿首迎来了它的圆满终结——“联袂乡创,绘梦郊外”外洋慢城乡创会。这不仅是一场艺术的盛宴,更是一次乡村革命逸想的出发,为慢城的乡村振兴之路注入了新的活力与但愿。(Slow Countryside Innovation, Dreaming of Rural Pastoral Scenes: The Fourth Gaochun International Slow City Mountain Flower Art Festival Concludes Perfectly)


12月的高淳,外洋慢城山花艺术中心内东说念主声喧阗,来高慢淳、南京、常州等地的乡村逸想家们集聚一堂,他们带着对乡村异日的憧憬与期待,共同开启了一场多元念念想的碰撞与和会。(Collision of Diverse Ideas, Painting a New Picture of Slow City)


幕间咖啡创举东说念主郭萍萍当先登台,她以幕间咖啡为例,分享了如安在快节律的城市糊口中寻找到一派属于我方的慢时光。郭萍萍的说明,让在场的每一个东说念主齐感受到了慢糊口的魔力与价值。(Founder of Interval Coffee Guo Pingping took the lead in sharing her experience of creating a slow moment in fast-paced urban life. Guo's talk made everyone present feel the charm and value of slow life.)

随后,慢森疗科技总司理范永霞也分享了慢森疗项目的收效案例,她强调,慢森疗不单是是一种健康的糊口姿首,更是一种与当然协调共生的糊口理念。范永霞的分享,让东说念主们对慢城的糊口姿首有了更深的浮现与矍铄。(General Manager of Slow Forest Therapy Tech Fan Yongxia also shared the successful case of the Slow Forest Therapy project. She emphasized that Slow Forest Therapy is not only a healthy lifestyle but also a life philosophy of harmonious coexistence with nature. Fan's sharing gave people a deeper understanding and recognition of the lifestyle of Slow City.)

在随后的照顾标准中,嘉宾们围绕“共担、共建、共创、分享”的主题,就外洋慢城与慢城小镇的革命业态发展念念路、传统业态与乡村秉性的斡旋革命旅途、文化艺术赋能慢城发展的灵验决策等话题进行了深远的磋议与换取。每一个话题齐激勉了环球的强烈照顾,念念想的火花在这里握住碰撞与和会,为慢城的异日发展提供了厚爱的念念路与提议。(In the subsequent discussion session, guests focused on the theme of "sharing responsibilities, building together, innovating together, and sharing benefits" to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges on topics such as innovative business development ideas for International Slow City and Slow City Towns, innovative integration paths for traditional businesses and rural characteristics, and effective solutions for cultural and artistic empowerment of Slow City development. Each topic sparked heated discussions, and the sparks of thought continued to collide and blend here, providing valuable ideas and suggestions for the future development of Slow City.)


这次外洋慢城乡创会不仅是一场念念想的盛宴,更是一场招商项目的对接会。在会上,多个招商形貌进行了精彩的展示与推介,为慢城及慢城小镇的发展引入了更多的资源与机遇。(This International Slow Countryside Innovation Conference was not only a feast of ideas but also a matchmaking event for investment projects. At the conference, multiple investment projects were showcased and promoted, introducing more resources and opportunities for the development of Slow City and Slow City Towns.)

其中,外洋慢城游子山森疗项目的收效签约,无疑是这次举止的最大亮点之一。该形貌旨在将游子山景区打变成为丛林治愈的新业态,促进慢文化与当然资源的更深度斡旋发展。签约典礼的举行,符号着游子山景区将开启一段全新的发展过程,为旅客提供愈加丰富的慢糊口体验。(Among them, the successful signing of the International Slow City Youzi Mountain Forest Therapy project was undoubtedly one of the highlights of the event. The project aims to turn Youzi Mountain Scenic Area into a new form of forest therapy, promoting deeper integration and development of slow culture and natural resources. The signing ceremony marked the beginning of a new development journey for Youzi Mountain Scenic Area, providing tourists with a richer slow life experience.)

此外,还有多个与慢城联系的文旅形貌也在这次举止中进行了展示与对接,这些项目的落地履行,将为慢城的文旅产业注入新的活力与动能,鼓舞慢城文旅产业的怡悦发展。(In addition, multiple cultural tourism projects related to Slow City were also displayed and matched during the event. The implementation of these projects will inject new vitality and momentum into the cultural tourism industry of Slow City, promoting its vigorous development.)


念念想的碰撞与交充军手后,嘉宾们还实地参不雅了桠溪外洋慢城、慢城小镇和慢城乡创网红新业态——PlanB矿坑慢咖啡。这些实地参不雅的标准,让嘉宾们愈加直不雅地感受到了外洋慢城总部慢文化的魔力与特有之处。(After the collision and exchange of ideas, guests also took a field trip to Yaxi International Slow City, Slow City Town, and the new online celebrity business of Slow Countryside Innovation - PlanB Mine Pit Slow Coffee. These field visits allowed guests to more intuitively feel the charm and uniqueness of the slow culture of International Slow City Headquarters.)

在桠溪外洋慢城,嘉宾们散步在青山绿水之间,呼吸着崭新的空气,感受着大当然的好意思好与宁静。这里的每一处雅瞻念齐仿佛是一幅动东说念主的画卷,让东说念主天际有天。(In Yaxi International Slow City, guests wandered among the green mountains and blue waters, breathing in the fresh air and feeling the beauty and tranquility of nature. Every scene here seemed like a moving painting, making people forget to return.)

而在慢城小镇,嘉宾们则感受到了另一种不同的慢糊口氛围。这里有着特有的乡村风情和丰富的文化底蕴,让东说念主仿佛踏进于一个充满诗意的郊外寰宇。在这里,你不错延缓脚步,细细品味乡村糊口的每一个细节与好意思好。(In Slow City Town, guests experienced another different slow life atmosphere. Here, there is a unique rural flavor and rich cultural heritage, making people feel like they are in a poetic pastoral world. Here, you can slow down and savor every detail and beauty of rural life.)

PlanB矿坑慢咖啡则是这次参不雅中的又一惊喜。这个位于矿坑之中的咖啡馆,以其特有的地舆位置和别具一格的磋磨打算格调,成为了慢城乡创的网红打卡地。在这里,你不错一边品味着香浓的咖啡,一边观赏着矿坑的壮丽景观,感受着慢糊口的特有魔力。(PlanB Mine Pit Slow Coffee was another surprise during the visit. This café located in a mine pit has become a popular spot for Slow Countryside Innovation due to its unique location and distinctive design style. Here, you can enjoy delicious coffee while admiring the magnificent scenery of the mine pit and feeling the unique charm of slow life.)


这次外洋慢城乡创会的收效举办,不仅为高淳外洋慢城山花艺术季画上了圆满的句号,更为慢城的乡村振兴之路提供了更多的机遇与可能。(The successful holding of this International Slow Countryside Innovation Conference not only concluded the Fourth Gaochun International Slow City Mountain Flower Art Festival with a perfect ending but also provided more opportunities and possibilities for the rural revitalization of Slow City.)

异日,慢城将链接以艺术文化赋能招商、激活乡村资源、勾引东说念主才返乡入乡,促进文旅与乡村振兴的双向奔赴。通过握住的探索与现实,慢城将发奋打造出一个集闲隙、旅游、度假、养生于一体的乡村旅游新质分娩力发展高地,为高淳清秀乡村配置注入新的活力与动能。(In the future, Slow City will continue to empower investment with art and culture, activate rural resources, and attract talents to return to the countryside, promoting the two-way development of cultural tourism and rural revitalization. Through continuous exploration and practice, Slow City will strive to create a new highland for rural tourism productivity development integrating leisure, tourism, vacation, and health maintenance, injecting new vitality and momentum into the beautiful rural construction of Gaochun.)

同期,慢城也将积极挖掘和传承乡村文化,保护和运用乡村生态资源,打造具有处所秉性的乡村旅游品牌和居品开云kaiyun,为旅客提供愈加丰富多彩的乡村旅游体验。信服在不久的将来,慢城将成为乡村旅游的一张亮丽柬帖,勾引着越来越多的旅客前来看望与体验。(At the same time, Slow City will actively explore and inherit rural culture, protect and utilize rural ecological resources, and create rural tourism brands and products with local characteristics to provide tourists with more colorful rural tourism experiences. It is believed that in the near future, Slow City will become a beautiful business card for rural tourism, attracting more and more tourists to visit and experience.)
